Christel Schmidt
Mary Pickford was born Gladys Smith in 1892 in Toronto, Canada. After her father was killed in an accident, Gladys became the family’s main breadwinner by performing in the theatre. She was seven years old. In fact, the stage became a family venture, as her younger siblings Lottie and Jack and even her mother took up the trade. But the drive and determination to be a star belonged solely to Gladys. In 1907, her ambition would take her to Broadway and famed producer-director David Belasco, who changed her name to Mary Pickford and gave her a part in “The Warrens of Virginia.”

Mary Pickford publicity still. Courtesy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library.

Ad In the Bishop’s Carriage (1913). Private Collection.

Mary Pickford, The Love Light (1921), written and directed by Frances Marion. Private Collection.

Mary Pickford, Caprice (1913). Private Collection.

Mary Pickford with Frances Marion. Private Collection.

Mary Pickford ad for Kiki 1931. Private Collection.

Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, D.W. Griffith – founders of United Artists, 1919. Private Collection.

Mary Pickford, Tess of the Storm Country (1922), co-written by Josephine Lovett. Private Collection

Mary Pickford with directors and producers. Courtesy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library.
In 1909, when Pickford was between stage engagements, she approached director D. W. Griffith at the Biograph Company in New York and asked for work in moving pictures. She had no intention of working permanently in the new medium, but hoped the income would tide her over before she went back to Belasco and the stage. Pickford was intrigued with film acting, and before long she began to enjoy “posing” for motion pictures. She stayed with the Biograph Company, working as both an actress and writer from 1909 to 1911, leaving for a brief stint with the Independent Motion Picture Company (IMP), and later with Majestic Pictures Corporation. She returned to Griffith at Biograph in early 1912, finishing out the year with him. In 1913, after a run on Broadway in “A Good Little Devil,” Pickford made a definitive break from the stage by signing a motion picture contract with Adolph Zukor and the Famous Players Film Company. The year 1913 marked the dawn of the feature motion picture, and Pickford was about to become its biggest star.
In fact, she came to feature films with a well-established legacy. In 1911, “Moving Picture Mary” was the first movie star to adorn the cover of the New York Dramatic Mirror, an honor previously bestowed only on theatrical stars. And because moviegoers had already singled Pickford out as a favorite, her success in features was guaranteed. In 1914, Pickford’s Tess of the Storm Country, the story of a fiery young woman fighting for the underclass, caused a sensation. The extraordinary reaction made Pickford an international star and created fan worship that had never before been witnessed. In turn, this success gave Mary Pickford incredible bargaining power. In 1916, Pickford had negotiated a contract that gave her a $10,000 a week salary, 50% of her film profits, and her own production company. Pickford would sign off on every aspect of her productions, from the script to the director. She was even known to have had a hand in editing. During these years she worked with directors Maurice Tourneur and Marshall Neilan, the writer Frances Marion, and made some of the best features of her career, including Poor Little Rich Girl (1917), Stella Maris (1918), and The Hoodlum (1919).
Pickford is often remembered for her portrayals of children in films including Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1917) and Daddy-Long-Legs (1919). The stories were adapted from popular novels and had been performed on stage with an adult actress (Edith Taliaferro and Ruth Chatterton) playing the role of a young girl. Pickford’s petite size and youthful beauty made her ideal for these parts, but it was her acting talent that seared these roles into the public consciousness. Her portrait of childhood captured both the simplicity and complexity of a young person’s inner world, and also its physicality, through body language and mannerism.
In 1919, when she was only twenty-seven years old, Pickford cofounded United Artists, the first independent film distribution company, along with Charlie Chaplin, D. W. Griffith, and her future husband Douglas Fairbanks. Then in 1920 she and Fairbanks were wed in a private ceremony, but they shared their married life with the world. At first, the couple had feared a negative reaction (both were already married when they met), but their union only fed into the romantic fantasies many fans had about Hollywood. The couple was mobbed at every port on their whirlwind European honeymoon. Back in California, they relished their place as the King and Queen of Hollywood, holding court at their home, known as Pickfair. Pickford decided to make only one film a year after 1921, focusing on the quality of her productions. Many believe that she was at her creative peak during the teens, but her films of the 1920s were the most successful. Favorite titles from this decade include a remake of Tess of the Storm Country (1922), Rosita (1923), and Sparrows (1926). Her last silent film, My Best Girl (1927), would be one of the greatest of the era.
The decade’s last year brought about major changes in the industry and for Mary Pickford. By 1929, the Talkies had all but obliterated silent film. Pickford knew she could not resist the change. She cut her old-fashioned curls and made two Talkies before the decade ended. Coquette (1929) won her an Oscar for best actress, and Taming of the Shrew (1929) featured the much-anticipated pairing of Pickford and Fairbanks. But even with good reviews and promotion, these films were not as successful as her silent pictures. She attempted two more sound features, then retired in 1933 after twenty-three years of making movies. And though she kept on producing films after retiring, the experience was not as rich as running her own career had been. Pickford, whose professional decline had begun in the same year as the death of her beloved mother, Gladys, in 1928, saw her brother and sister die in the 1930s. In 1936, her fairytale marriage to Fairbanks ended in divorce. Fairbanks died of heart failure only three years later. In 1937, Pickford married actor Charles “Buddy” Rogers, her costar in My Best Girl. The marriage lasted until Mary Pickford’s death in 1979.
See also: Frances Marion
Bennett, Carl. “Mary Pickford Filmography.” Silent Era: Progressive Silent Film List.
Card, James. “The Films of Mary Pickford.” Image: The Journal of the George Eastman House. Vol. 8, No. 4 (Dec 1959): 172-191.
Eyman, Scott. Mary Pickford, America’s Sweetheart. New York: Donald I. Fine, Inc., 1990.
Moore, Robert F. “Mary Pickford, Manager.” Motion Picture Magazine (Aug. 1917): 69-70.
“Nineteen Weeks for 'Daddy Long Legs' at Boston Theatre.” Motion Picture News (8 Nov. 1919): 3592.
Niver, Kemp. Mary Pickford: Comedienne. Los Angeles: Artisan Press, 1969.
Pickford, Mary. “Ambassadors.” The Saturday Evening Post. August 23, 1930: 6-7, 117.
------. “Moving Pictures.” Mary Pickford: Daily Talks. The McClure Newspaper Syndicate (7 Dec. 1915): n.p.
------. Sunshine and Shadow. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1955.
------. “Writing Scenarios.” Mary Pickford Daily Talks. The McClure Newspaper Syndicate (7 Dec. 1915): n.p.
Schmidt, Christel. “Preserving Pickford: The Mary Pickford Collection and the Library of Congress.” The Moving Image Journal vol. 3, no. 1 (2003): 59-81.
------. “The Search for a Film Legacy: Mary Pickford (1909-1933).” [online resource] (2010)
Slide, Anthony. The Griffith Actresses. New York: A. S. Barnes and Company, 1973.
Wagenknecht, Edward. Movies in the Age of Innocence. Norman: University of Oklamoma Press, 1962.
Whitfield, Eileen. Pickford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood. Lexington: The University of Kentucky Press, 1997.
Windeler, Robert. Sweetheart: The Story of Mary Pickford. New York: Preager Publishers, 1973.
Zukor, Adolph with Dale Kramer. The Public Is Never Wrong. New York, G.P. Putnum’s Sons, 1953.
Archival Paper Collections:
Lillian Gish papers and sound recordings, 1909-1992. New York Public Library, Billy Rose Theatre Division.
Mary Pickford papers, 1893-1983. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Margaret Herrick Library.
Mary Pickford scrapbook, Robinson Locke collection, 1870-1920. New York Public Library, Billy Rose Theatre Division.
Reminiscences of Mary Pickford. Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Samuel Stark. Theatre scrapbook collection, 1860-1950. Stanford University.
Rob Wagner papers, 1925-1942. University of California, Los Angles, Charles E. Young Research Library.
United Artists Corporation Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society Library.
A. Archival Filmography: Extant Film Titles:
1. Mary Pickford as Actress
"1776" or, The Hessian Renegades. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Broken Locket. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Kate Bruce, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Cardinal's Conspiracy. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, Frank Powell, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Country Doctor. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Frank Powell, Kate Bruce, Gladys Egan, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Library of Congress, Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, Národní Filmov Archiv.
The Faded Lilies. Dir. D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Picford, David Miles, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Gibson Goddess. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Mack Sennett, George Nichols, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Heart of An Outlaw. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Marion Leonard, Henry B. Walthall, si, b&w. Archive: Museum of Modern Art.
Her First Biscuits. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, John R. Cumpson, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
His Duty. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Kate Bruce, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
His Lost Love. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
His Wife's Visitor. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Frank Powell, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Indian Runner's Romance. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Owen Moore, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
In Old Kentucky. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Kate Bruce, Verner Clarges, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
In the Watches of the Night. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Gladys Egan, Marion Leonard, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Light That Came. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Ruth Hart, Marion Leonard, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Lines of White in a Sullen Sea. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Linda Arvidson, James Kirkwood, George Nichols, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Little Teacher. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Kate Bruce, Edward Dillon, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress.
The Lonely Villa. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Gladys Egan, Adele DeGarde, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
A Midnight Adventure. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Kate Bruce, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Mountaineer's Honor. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Owen Moore, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Necklace. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, Arthur Johnson, Frank Powell, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Oh, Uncle. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, James Kirkwood, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Peachbasket Hat Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, John R. Cumpson, Anita Hendrie, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Restoration. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Owen Moore, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Renunciation. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Billy Quirk, Harry Solter, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Sealed Room. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, Henry B. Walthall, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Seventh Day. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Rose King, Frank Powell, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Slave. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, Harry Solter, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Son's Return. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Anita Hendrie, Billy Quirk, Herbert Prior, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
Sweet and Twenty. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, James Kirkwood, Florence Lawrence, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Tender Hearts. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Frank Powell, Lottie Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Museum of Modern Art.
The Test. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Marion Leonard, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
They Would Elope. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, James Kirkwood, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
Through the Breakers. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, James Kirkwood, Adele DeGarde, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
To Save Her Soul. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Trick That Failed. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Mack Sennett, Billy Quirk, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
Two Memories Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Leonard, David Miles, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Violin Maker of Cremona. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, David Miles, Owen Moore, Herbert Prior, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Way of Man. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Florence Lawrence, Arthur Johnson, Gladys Egan, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
What's Your Hurry? Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, George Nichols, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
All On Account of the Milk. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Blanche Sweet, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
An Arcadian Maid. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Kate Bruce, George Nichols, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
As It Is In Life. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Gladys Egan, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Call To Arms. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Narion Leonard, Joseph Graybill, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
A Child's Impulse. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Vivian Prescott, Charles West, Joseph Graybill, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Decree of Destiny. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Joseph Graybill, Marion Sunshine, Clara Bracey, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Englishman and the Girl. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Charles Craig, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
A Gold Necklace. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Lottie Pickford, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
In the Season of Buds. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Charles West, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Italian Barber. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Joseph Graybill, Marion Sunshine, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Love Among the Roses. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Marion Leonard, Arthur Johnson, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Lucky Toothache. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Edward Dillon, Charles West, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
Maid or Man. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Museum of Modern Art.
The Mirror. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Owen Moore, William Shay, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum.
Muggsy Becomes a Hero. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Grace Henderson, Edward Dillon, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Muggsy's First Sweetheart. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Edward Dillon, Joseph Graybill, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Never Again. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, Anthony O’Sullivan, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Newlyweds. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Florence Barker, Charles West, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Plain Song. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress.
Ramona. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Francis Grandon, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Rich Revenge. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Francis Grandon, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Romance of the Western Hills. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Dorothy West, Alfred Paget, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, Library of Congress.
Simple Charity. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Edwin August, W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Smoker. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Jack Pickford, Frank Opperman, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Song of the Wildwood Flute. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Dark Cloud, Francis Grandon, Dell Henderson, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Sorrows of the Unfaithful. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Edward Dillon, Gladys Egan, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Thread of Destiny. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Linda Arvidson, Francis J. Grandon, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Three Sisters. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marion Sunshine, Vivian Prescott, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Twisted Trail. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, George Nichols, Kate Burce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Two Brothers. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Dell Henderson, Marion Leonard, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Unchanging Sea. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Linda Arvidson, Arthur Johnson, Dell Henderson, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Victim of Jealousy. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Florence Barker, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Waiter No. 5. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, George Nichols, Claire McDowell, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
What the Daisy Said. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Gertrude Robinson, Joseph Graybill, Verner Clarges, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress.
When a Man Loves. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Dell Henderson, Charles West, George Nichols, si, b&w. Archive:Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
When We Were In Our 'Teens. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Joseph Graybill, Mack Sennett, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
White Roses. Dir.: Frank Powell (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Edward Dillon, W. Chrystie Miller, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress.
Wilful Peggy. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Clara Bracey, Henry B. Walthall, Claire McDowell, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Woman From Mellon's. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, George Nichols, Linda Arvidson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
Artful Kate. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, Library of Congress.
At a Quarter of Two. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
In Old Madrid. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
In the Sultan's Garden. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, King Baggot, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Lighthouse Keeper. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, William E. Shay, J. Farrell MacDonald, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
Little Red Riding Hood. Dir.: Owen Moore (Majestic Co, US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, James Kirkwood, Mayme Kelso, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
A Manly Man. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, William Shay, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
Sweet Memories. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Charlotte Pickford, Lottie Pickford, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
A Timely Repentance. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, William Shey, Lucille Young, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
‘Tween Two Loves. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, William Shey, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
When the Cat's Away. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Lottie Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
A Beast at Bay. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Edwin August, Alfred Paget, Mae Marsh, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Fate's Interception. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Wilfred Lucas, Charles Hill Mailes, Charles West, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Female of the Species. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Claire McDowell, Charles West, Dorothy Bernard, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
A Feud in the Kentucky Hills. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Bruce, Henry B. Walthall, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Friends. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry Walthall, Lionel Barrymore, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
Home Folks. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Charles Hill Mailes, Kate Bruce, Robert Harron, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Iola's Promise. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Alfred Paget, Frank Evans, Dorothy Bernard, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
An Indian Summer. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, W. Chrystie Miller, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Informer. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry Walthall, Walter Miller, Lillian Gish, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Inner Circle. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Adolph Lestina, Jack Pickford, Chalres Hill Mailes, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Just Like a Woman. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford,Wilfred Lucas, Grace Henderson, Mae Marsh, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
A Lodging for the Night. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Charles West, Charles Hill Mailes, William Carroll, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Mender of the Nets. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Mabel Normand, Charles West, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
My Baby. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Eldean Stewart, W. Chrystie Miller, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Narrow Road. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Elmer Booth, Charles Hill Mailes, Alfred Paget, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The New York Hat. Dir.: D.W. Griffith; sc.: Anita Loos (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Lionel Barrymore, Charles Hill Mailes, Mae Marsh, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Old Actor. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, W. Chrystie Miller, Kate Bruce, Edwin August, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The One She Loved. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Henry B. Walthall, Lionel Barrymore, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
A Pueblo Legend. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford,Wilfred Lucas, Robert Harron, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The School Teacher and the Waif. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Edwin August, Charles Hill Mailes, Claire McDowell, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
So Near, Yet So Far. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Walter Miller, Robert Harron, Lillian Gish, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum,Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Unwelcome Guest. Dir.: D.W. Griffith (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, W. Chrystie Miller, Claire McDowell, Jack Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
With the Enemy's Help. Dir.: Wilfred Lucas (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Blanche Sweet, Charles West, Charles Hill Mailes, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, Library of Congress.
Won by a Fish. Dir.: Mack Sennett (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Edward Dillon, Dell Henderson, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
Behind the Scenes. Dir.: James Kirkwood (Famous Players Film Co. US 1914) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Lowell Sherman, Ida Waterman, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum.
Cinderella. Dir.: James Kirkwood sc.: Austin Strong (Famous Players Film Co. US 1914) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Isabel Vernon, Georgia Wilson, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, EYE Filmmuseum.
A Good Little Devil. Dir.: Edwin S. Porter sc.: Austin Strong (Famous Players Film Co. US 1914) cas.: Mary Pickford, Ernest Truex, William Norris, Iva Merlin, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive.
The Eagle's Mate. Dir.: James Kirkwood (Famous Players Film Co. US 1914) cas.: Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Ida Waterman, Robert Broderick, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum.
Tess of the Storm Country. Dir.: Edwin S. Porter (Famous Players Film Co. US 1914) cas.: Mary Pickford, Harold Lockwood, Olive Golden, David Hartford, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Dawn of a Tomorrow. Dir.: James Kirkwood sc.: Eve Unsell (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickford, David Powell, Forrest Robinson,, Margaret Seddon, si, b&w. Archive: Svenska Filminstitutet, Library of Congress.
Fanchon the Cricket. Dir.: James Kirkwood (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickfod, Jack Standing, Lottie Pickford, Jack Pickford, si , b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum.
The Foundling. Dir.: John B. O’Brien sc.: Frances Marion (Famous Players Film Co. US 1916) cas.: Maggie Weston, Edward Martindale, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Little Pal. Dir.: James Kirkwood sc.: Marshall Neilan (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickford, Russell Bassett, George Anderson, William Lloyd, si, b&w. Archive: Cinémathèque Française.
Madame Butterfly. Dir.: Sidney Olcott (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marshall Neilan, Olive West, Jane Hall, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Mistress Nell. Dir.: James Kirkwood (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Ruby Hoffman, Arthur Hoops, si, b&w. Archive: Museum of Modern Art, Národní Filmov Archiv.
Rags. Dir.: James Kirkwood sc.: Edith Barnard Delano (Famous Players Film Co. US 1915) cas.: Mary Pickford, Marshall Neilan, Joseph Manning, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Eternal Grind. Dir.: John B. O’Brien sc.: William H. Clifford (Famous Players Film Co. US 1916) cas.: Mary Pickford, Dorothy West, Loretta Blake, John Bowers, si, b&w. Archive: Cinémathèque Française.
Hulda from Holland. Dir.: John B. O’Brien sc.: Edith Barnard Delano (Famous Players Film Co. US 1916) cas.: Mary Pickford, John Bowers, Frank Losee, si, b&w. Archive: Národní Filmov Archiv.
Poor Little Peppina. Dir.: Sidney Olcott sc.: Kate Jordan (Famous Players Film Co. US 1916) cas.: Mary Pickford, Antonio Maiori , Jack Pickford, Eugene O’Brien, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
2. Mary Pickford as Producer and Actress
Less than the Dust. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: John Emerson sc.: Hector Turnbull (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1916) cas.: Mary Pickford, David Powell, Mary Alden, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Little American. Prod. Cecil B. DeMille, Mary Pickford, dir.: Cecil B. DeMille, sc.: Jeanie Macpherson, Cecil B. DeMille, cost.: Lucy Duff-Gordon (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Jack Holt, si, b&w, 6 reels, 5,925 ft. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Cineteca del Friuli.
A Little Princess. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan, sc.: Frances Marion, cost.: Lucy Duff-Gordon (Mary Pickford Film Corp US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Norman Kerry, Zasu Pitts, si, b&w, 35mm, 6 reels. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, EYE Filmmuseum, Filmoteca de Catalunya, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
The Poor Little Rich Girl. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Maurice Tourneur sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Madeline Traverse, Gladys Fairbanks, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
The Pride of the Clan. Prod. Mary Pickford, dir.: Maurice Tourneur sc.: Elaine Sterne, Charles E. Whittaker (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Matt Moore, Warren Cooke, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan sc.: Frances Marion, cost.: Lucy Duff-Gordon (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Josephine Crowell, Eugene O’Brien, Marjorie Daw, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
A Romance of the Redwoods. Prod.: Cecil B. DeMille, Mary Pickford, dir.: Cecil B. DeMille sc.: Jeannie MacPherson , Cecil B. DeMille (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1917) cas.: Mary Pickford, Elliott Dexter, Raymond Hatton, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum.
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1918) cas.: Mary Pickford, Norman Kerry, Kate Price, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art.
M'liss. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1918) cas.: Mary Pickford, Thomas Meighan, Theodore Roberts, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Johanna Enlists. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: William Desmond Taylor sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1918) cas.: Mary Pickford, Monte Blue, Douglas McLean, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
Stella Maris. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan sc.: Frances Marion, cost.: Lucy Duff-Gordon (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1918) cas.: Mary Pickford, Conway Tearle, Marcia Manon, Ida Waterman, si, b&w, 35mm., 6 reels. Archive: Cineteca del Friuli, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, National Film and Sound Archive of Australia.
The Heart o' the Hills. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Sidney A. Franklin sc.: Bernard McConville (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1919) cas.: Mary Pickford, Claire McDowell, Jack (John) Gilbert, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Hoodlum. Prod.: Mary Pickford, Dir.: Sidney A. Franklin (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1919) cas.: Mary Pickford, Ralph Lewis, Max Davidson, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, BFI National Archive.
3. Mary Pickford as Producer, Actress, and Distributor (United Artists)
Pollyanna. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Paul Powell sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1920) cas.: Mary Pickford, Katherine Griffith, Herbert Prior, si, b&w. Archive: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Suds. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Jack Dillon sc.: Waldemar Young (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1920) cas.: Mary Pickford, Harold Goodwin, Albert Austin, Rose Dione, si, b&w. Archive: BFI National Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Národní Filmov Archiv.
Little Lord Fauntleroy. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Alfred E. Green Jack Pickford sc.: Bernard McConville (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1921) cas.: Mary Pickford, Claude Gillingwater, Joseph Dowling, Kate Price, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
The Love Light. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir./sc.: Frances Marion (Mary Pickford Co. US 1921) cas.: Mary Pickford, Fred Thomson, si, b&w, 35mm, 8 reels. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Gosfilmofond.
Through the Back Door. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Alfred E. Green , Jack Pickford sc.: Marion Fairfax (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1921) cas.: Mary Pickford, Gertude Astor, Wilfred Lucas, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
Tess of the Storm Country. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: John S. Robertson, adp.: Elmer Harris (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1922) cas.: Lloyd Hughes, Gloria Hope, si, b&w [incomplete]. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Gosfilmofond.
Rosita. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Ernst Lubitsch sc.: Edward Knoblock (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1923) cas.: Mary Pickford, Irene Rich, George Walsh, si, b&w. Archive: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, Museum of Modern Art, Národní Filmov Archiv.
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan, sc.: Waldemer Young (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1924) cas.: Mary Pickford, Allan Forest, Lottie Pickford Forrest, si, b&w. Archive: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, Filmoteka Narodowa, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Gosfilmofond, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Deutsche Kinemathek.
Sparrows. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: William Beaudine sc.: Winifred Dunn (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1926) cas.: Mary Pickford, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Roy Stewart, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
My Best Girl. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Sam Taylor, sc.: Hope Loring, adp.: Allen McNeil, Tim Whelan (Mary Pickford Corp. US 1927) cas.: Mary Pickford, Charles (Buddy) Rogers, si, b&w, 35mm, 9 reels. Archive: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, Academy Film Archive.
4. Mary Pickford as Screenwriter and Actress
Getting Even. Dir.: D.W. Griffith, sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.:Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Mack Sennett, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Awakening. Dir.: D.W. Griffith, sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Mary Pickford, Arthur Johnson, Clara Bracy, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
May and December. Dir.: Frank Powell, sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1910) cas.: Mary Pickford, Billy Quirk, Kate Bruce, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Aart [USM].
Their First Misunderstanding. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince, George L. Tucker. sc.: George L. Tucker (IMP Co. US 1911) cas: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Dream. Dir.: Thomas H. Ince, sc.: Mary Pickford (IMP Co. US 1911) cas.: Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Lottie Pickford, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress.
Lena and the Geese. Dir.: D.W. Griffith, sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1912) cas.: Mary Pickford, Kate Bruce, Mae Marsh, Edwin August, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
5. Mary Pickford as Producer, Screenwriter, and Actress
Daddy-Long-Legs. Prod.: Mary Pickford, dir.: Marshall Neilan sc.: Agnes C. Johnston, Mary Pickford (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1919) cas.: Milla Davenport, Marshall Neilan, si, b&w. Archive: George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress, EYE Filmmuseum, UCLA Film & Television Archive.
6. Mary Pickford as Producer, Screenwriter, Actress, and Distributor (United Artists)
Little Annie Rooney. Dir.: William Beaudine sc.: Hope Loring, Mary Pickford (Mary Pickford Film Corp. US 1925) cas.: William Haines, Walter James, Vola Vale, si, b&w. Archive: Academy Film Archive, George Eastman Museum, Library of Congress.
7. Mary Pickford as Screenwriter
The Day After. Dir.: D.W. Griffith sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1909) cas.: Marion Leonard, Arthur Johnson, James Kirkwood, si, b&w. Archive: Library of Congress, Museum of Modern Art, Academy Film Archive.
Madame Rex. Dir.: D.W. Griffith sc.: Mary Pickford (Biograph Co. US 1911) cas.: Edwin August, Stephanie Longfellow, si, b&w. Archive: Museum of Modern Art.
B. Filmography: Non-Extant Film Titles:
1. Mary Pickford as Actress
Back to the Soil, 1911; The Better Way, 1911; The Caddy's Dream, 1911; The Call of the Song, 1911; The Convert, 1911; The Courting of Mary, 1911; The Fair Dentist, 1911; The Fisher-Maid, 1911; For Her Brother's Sake, 1911; For the Queen's Honor, 1911; A Gasoline Engagement, 1911; Her Darkest Hour, 1911; His Dress Shirt, 1911; Honor Thy Father, 1911; Love Heeds Not the Showers, 1911; The Master and the Man, 1911; The Message in the Bottle, 1911; Pictureland, 1911; The Rose's Story, 1911; Science, 1911; The Secret of the Palm, 1911; The Sentinel Asleep, 1911; The Skating Bug, 1911; The Stampede, 1911; There is Life, 1911; The Toss of a Coin, 1911; Tracked, 1911; While There is Hope, Second Sight, 1911; Caprice, 1913; In the Bishop's Carriage, 1913; Hearts Adrift, 1914; Such a Little Queen, 1914; Esmeralda, 1915; A Girl of Yesterday, 1915.
2. Mary Pickford as Screenwriter and Actress
Hearts Adrift, 1914; A Girl of Yesterday, 1915.
3. Mary Pickford as Producer and Actress
How Could You, Jean?, 1918; Captain Kidd, Jr., 1919.
4. Mary Pickford as Screenwriter
Caught in the Act, 1911; The Medallion, 1911; When Fate Decrees, 1913.
C. DVD Sources:
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley. DVD (Image Entertainment US 2000)
Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley with The Dream. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2000)
Daddy Long-Legs with What the Daisy Said. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 1999)
Through the Back Door with Cinderella. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2005)
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2017)
M'liss and Heart o' the Hills. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2005)
Heart o' the Hills. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2013)
The Hoodlum. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2013)
Johanna Enlists. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2016)
Less than Dust. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2015)
The Little American. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2015)
Little Annie Rooney. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2017)
Little Lord Fauntleroy. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2015)
Without Lying Down with The Little Princess. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2003)
Tess of the Storm Country. DVD (Image Entertainment US 1999)
Stella Maris. DVD (Image Entertainment US 2000)
The Love Light. DVD (Image Entertainment US 2001)
Madame Butterfly. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2015)
The Pride of the Clan with Sweet Memories. DVD. (Grapevine Video US 2013_
Sparrows with Wilful Peggy and The Mender of Nets. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 1999)
My Best Girl. (The Milestone Collection US 1999)
A Romance of the Redwoods. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2013)
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. DVD. (Alpha Video US 2014)
Suds. DVD. (The Milestone Collection US 2005)
Rags and Riches: Mary Pickford Collection. DVD. (Milestone US 2012)
Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film, 1900-1934. DVD. Image Entertainment US 2007)
The Origins of Film Collection. DVD. (Smithsonian Video US 2001)
Griffith Masterworks: Biograph Shorts (1908-1914. DVD. (Kino Video US 2002) - contains The New York Hat (1912)
D.W. Griffith Years of Discovery, 1909-1913. DVD. (Image Entertainment US 2002) - contains The New York Hat (1912)
D.W. Griffith Director, Vol. 3, 4, 5, 6. DVD. (Grapevine Video US 2011)
The Cecil B. DeMille Classics Collection. DVD. (Passport Video US 2007)
Mary Pickford Collection. DVD (St. Clair Vision US 2008)
D. Streamed Media:
The New York Hat (1912) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
The Poor Little Rich Girl (1917) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
The Love Light (1921) is streaming online via Amazon Prime
The Love Light (1921) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Little Annie Rooney (1925) is streaming online via Amazon Prime
The Little American (1916) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
Sparrows (1926) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
Friends (1912) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
The Unchanging Sea (1910) is streaming online via Amazon Video (with Fandor subscription)
The Hoodlum (1919) is streaming online via Amazon video (with Fandor subscription)
The Hoodlum (1919) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Cinderella (1914) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Johanna Enlists (1918) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
The Little Princess (1917) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1921) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Stella Maris (1918) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Poor Little Peppina (1916) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
M'liss (1918) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
M'liss (1918) is streaming online via Amazon Video
The Pride of the Clan (1917) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Heart o' the Hills (1919) is streaming online via The Internet Archive
Credit Report
The Library of Congress has two 35mm prints of a 1968 reissue version of Pickford’s Taming of the Shrew deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. The sound track on these prints is different than the original 1929 version. Several films exist as incomplete prints: A Timely Repentance, At a Quarter of Two, A Good Little Devil, Less than the Dust, Daddy-Long-Legs, The Hoodlum, Tess of the Storm Country. The author states that there are silent versions of Coquette and The Taming of the Shrew. It is believed that Mary Pickford wrote Their First Misunderstanding (1911), while IMDb credits George Loane Tucker.
Schmidt, Christel. "Mary Pickford." In Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, eds. Women Film Pioneers Project. New York, NY: Columbia University Libraries, 2013. <>