Film series: “Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers,” Brooklyn Academy of Music, July 20-26, 2018
Film series: “Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers” is screening at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, July 20-26, 2018.
“In the Wild West days of early filmmaking—before Hollywood hardened into an assembly-line behemoth and boys’ club—talented women worked regularly as writers, producers, and directors, instrumental in shaping the very language of cinema as we know it. Nevertheless, figures like Alice Guy Blaché and Lois Weber are known today primarily by aficionados, and artists like Nell Shipman, Grace Cunard, and Marion E. Wong remain woefully obscure. Bringing together dozens of essential new restorations, this series spotlights the daring, innovative, and trailblazing work of the first female filmmakers and restores their centrality to the creation of cinema itself.”
For more information and to see the full line-up, click here!