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New York Feminist Film Week, Anthology Film Archives, March 7-12, 2017


“The co-founders of WOMAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA (from5to7.com), a global platform committed to increasing the visibility of trans/cis women and all genderqueer/trans people, present the first NEW YORK FEMINIST FILM WEEK. Taking intersectional and transnational feminist approaches to interrogating cultural constructions of gender, sex, race, and class, our program aims to foster critical dialogue among filmmakers and the general public. Organized around the theme of feminist film genealogies, the program asks the following questions: What might a genealogy of feminist film look like in its politics and aesthetics? Does the practice of feminist filmmaking produce particular forms of knowledge? How does feminist filmmaking work to unsettle Islamophobia, racism, sexism, misogyny, transphobia, and stigmas around sexuality, illness, and dis/ability?”

For more information on the series, including showtimes and film blurbs, click here!